We've Got Mail!
Of course, I'm using "we" as if there was more than one guy writing this crap.
Hey, I got some feedback on the last piece:
> Dear sir,
> I recently discovered new entries on your weblog, the most recent of
> which was something called "The Only Five Places That are Colder Than
> Southern Wisconsin in December". As number 3, you put "The inside of a
> Republican's heart". While I understand the intention was to be
> humorous, I cannot abide such a distortion of the attributes of the
> fine people who make up the membership of the Republican party.
> Republicans don't actually have a heart.
> Thank you for this opportunity to comment on your writing. See you at
> the annual "Fuck The Poor And Brown People Banquet" this year. By the
> way, I hear S&L embezzlement is coming back into fashion.
> Sincerely,
> Chester Chadsworth Worthington IX, Esq.
> Snob Hills, Connecticut
Well, thanks, "Chester". Hope your wife's most recent face lift went well (seventh time's the charm!); see you on the ninth hole...or maybe we'll just play golf.